Sunday 31 March 2013

Update. : )

I was asked by a 4th year graphics student to model him a 3D Icosahedron and have it transparent and rotating. To model the shape i created the triangle shape then duplicated them and made them fit the shape.

model playblast:

Friday 29 March 2013

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Update : ) Crossbow Blends

i have been given the task of creating the blend shapes for the crossbow

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Update : )

After a couple of weeks of fine tuning the blend shapes i have completed them, there not the best but they will have to do.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Update : )

I have given up on Z-Brush as was encountering problems and to save time i have resorted back to Maya
The problem was when i attached the blend shapes to the original the mesh kept offsetting when i used the shapes here is a quick clip of my problem.

i solved the problem by going to the outputs of the original mesh and dragging the blend shape node and putting it under the skin cluster node as shone below.

Update : ) Z-Brush blend shapes.

Here are my attempts in Z-Brush. but i seem to be having problems attaching them to the original character mesh.

Z-Brush Blend Shapes Video

i also previously modelled some in Maya before trying out Z-Brush

i also made two mouth shapes for the hunter character 

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Update : ) Blendshape progress

i have been exploring in maya the soft modification tool along with the soft modification and reflection tool to help me model blend shapes easier.

i have been also advised by super talented team member Carlo Kosongo to try and model my blendshapes in Z-Brush so i am going to have a go at that and will post an update soon,

Update : ) Blend Shapes!

I have been given the job of creating blend shapes for the character 'Dee'. I have never attempted to sculpt blend shapes before so it will be a challenge. to assist me in my work i have been studying facial expressions using a book from my local library, i also have some sourced reference material of my own. after some discussions with my team i have learned how to duplicate the head and correctly apply them to the character.
here are some of the material i have been using to help me.

The black an white images are taken from a book on facial expressions that i found surprisingly useful as the woman featured had certain aspects of there face similar to that of Dee's

i used this image along with others of rihanna  to help construct the mouth shapes.

i also used myself for reference :(

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Update : )

The kow rig is finally finished. i had to go back and re rig the character due to the mesh having to much history and it hadn't been deleted. so here is the updated version and its working a lot better. it was seriously stressing me out.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Update : )

the duck rig i have took a similar approach to all my rigs but just altering the skeleton to be able to fit the Duck, here are some reference images i have used to understand the skeletal structure of a duck/bird.

 i have rigged a second character a duck that has recently just been added to the film it has to be able to string a guitar.using the material of the structure of the duck i was able to use this information to assist me in completing the duck rig. i took into consideration the model of the duck and used my knowledge gained from the previous rigs .

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Update : ).

As i mentioned earlier i have been rigging the farmer character. i have been exploring how to rig a foot, through my research i came across a fantastic easy to follow tutorial on the this blog ( by following this tutorial along with digital tutors i was able to construct the foot with no problems.

i encountered some problems with paint weighting the upper body of the farmer as there was a double mesh created by the modeller as it is to late to send it her back and have it fixed i have managed to work my way around it. it just gave me another few days work to do :(