Sunday 24 February 2013

Update : )

My work is progressing well. although i had to re rig the kow i have now started to animate.

 i am now posting to update my animation on 'Stupid Kow' the director has had a strong idea of what performance he has wanted out of the characters so i have been animating what he has wanted. here are the final shots animated by myself. i was in charge of the Kow movements.

Too help the team with the animation an attempt was made to film the action out it  :o

Sunday 17 February 2013

Update : ) Krokodi animation start.

I have started to animated scenes from 'Krokodi', i will be using the character rig i made for 'Dee' i have shot 2 fully completed here is a breakdown video of the shot.

I also filmed myself for this shot as my animation skills were quite rusty also to understand the action more.

Friday 1 February 2013

Update : )

The 'Stupid Kow' team are ready to animate!

The duck has been pulled from the film however because the design has made it difficult for the duck to reach the guitar. all that work for nothing :(   good practice tho.

Update : ) Farmer rig video