Saturday 27 October 2012

Update : )

I have modelled the skeleton hand, and used some more reference style material.

Monday 1 October 2012


My first task is to model some backgrounds props. So i have been using some reference material  from the Krokodi production bible and some material i have sourced myself.

The props i have been asked to model in Maya 2012 are a rocking chair to sit on the porch of a hut that is in the swamp environment, A bench, picnic table, water-hydrant, lamp-post and signs to go into the town environment. i have also been asked to model a skeleton hand that will hold the weapon in the film. The style of the town environment is going for a New Orleans looks and feel so i have tried to to stay true. Here are my sourced reference material. and the drawings from the production bible to help me construct them.