Sunday 23 December 2012

Update : )

 I have now constructed the skeleton and sorted out the orientation of the joints. i have also put Controls in place to control certain parts of the body(arms, head etc)

Monday 12 November 2012

Update : )

 i have began to study the skeleton of a human so i know were to place my joints.

Using this skeleton reference material and the study notes made from the book 'character rigging' also with the digital tutors tutorials i pretty confident on how to construct the skeleton.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Update : )

 Here are some videos i have been watching and studying to help me with my own work.

 Digital Tutors: Introduction to Character Rigging in Maya,  Understanding joints in Maya, Creating a tool that generates a box curve Introduction to NURBS NURBS modeling tools The benefits of IK / FK blending in Maya Youtube: How to Paint Skin Weights in Maya 2011. Maya hand modeling tutorial #6 - Rigging with contraint controls. (Part 1) Create your skeleton with Maya bone tool, joints and mirror. (Part 2) Joint Orientation and Reverse foot skeleton. (Part 3) Rig Maya legs with an IK handle reverse foot and foot roll. (Part 4) Create hip and spine rigging for your Maya character. (Part 5) Add a head control, shoulder and arm riggs to your Maya character. (part 6) Final tutorial Maya rigging, hand and eye controls.  These are just a selection of videos that have helped me with understanding rigging in maya and modelling.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Update : )

 I am now studying character rigging as it is one of my two specialism for the year along with 3D animation. the first character i will rig is 'DEE' she is one of the characters from the Krokodi film. i have been using books, Digital Tutors, and asking questions to friends in the animation industry for some pointers.  I read this book "learning maya - (character rigging and animation) and used it to help me understand so many aspects of the rigging stage. Along with the 'digital tutors' website i have been reading myself until i receive the model from laura mcnaughton who is modelling the character. 

Saturday 27 October 2012

Update : )

I have modelled the skeleton hand, and used some more reference style material.

Monday 1 October 2012


My first task is to model some backgrounds props. So i have been using some reference material  from the Krokodi production bible and some material i have sourced myself.

The props i have been asked to model in Maya 2012 are a rocking chair to sit on the porch of a hut that is in the swamp environment, A bench, picnic table, water-hydrant, lamp-post and signs to go into the town environment. i have also been asked to model a skeleton hand that will hold the weapon in the film. The style of the town environment is going for a New Orleans looks and feel so i have tried to to stay true. Here are my sourced reference material. and the drawings from the production bible to help me construct them.